Actualité et mémoire des luttes à Saint-Étienne et ailleurs
Publié le 31 mai 2006 | Maj le 17 janvier 2020

La France Pue annonce : Naked Aggression + Leadershit + 14" General + C.T.B. - Mer 14 Juin / Local Associatif 100% / St Etienne / 19H30

Formé au début des années 90, le groupe californien anarcho-punk NAKED AGGRESSION avait mis un terme à sa « carrière » suite au décès tragique d’un de ses membres... Certain-es ont ensuite oeuvré au sein de MEET THE VIRUS, avant de revenir plus en colère que jamais sous la forme de NAKED AGGRESSION. Ils reviennent en Europe pour le plus grand plaisir de la « jeunesse amère ».

LEADERSHIT est un nouveau groupe barcelonais, dans la droite lignée du crust sombre de groupes comme EKKAIA ou COP ON FIRE.

14" GENERAL viennent de Bremen en Allemagne, et ils-elles seront les iconoclastes de la soirée, ajoutant une cornemuse à un punk-rock radical et politisé.

C.T.B seront les stars de la soirée, anarcha-punk boîte à rythmes bien connu des night-clubbers et de la hype stéphanoise.

Tout ça pour le tarif exceptionnel de $6 le Mer 14 Juin au local Associatif 100% (21, rue Palluat de Besset/St Etienne) dès 19H30 (soyez à l’heure, please).

+ d’infos :

Et pour la mise en bouche quelques textes de NAKED AGGRESSION et 14" GENERAL :

NAKED AGGRESSION : « Bitter Youth »
Bitter Youth Angry youth We are pissed off And we will fight back Society tells us how to be I want no part of it How to act what to believe I want no part of it Conformity I want no part of it Conformity -It’s not for me ! I want no part of it No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We’ll fight back Bitter youth Angry youth We are pissed off and we will fight back Getting rich from greediness I want no part of it Money can’t buy happiness I want no part of it The American dream is full of shit I want no part of it The American dream is full of shit I want no part of it No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We won’t be a part of your society We’ll fight back We’ll fight back Bitter youth Angry youth We are pissed off And we will fight back Greedy lawmakers and Redneck police I want no part of it Forced on us their fucked up beliefs I want no part of it The mainstream world won’t let me be I want no part of it The mainstream world won’t let me be -Can’t they see I want no part of it I want no part of it No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We won’t be a part of your society No ! We won’t be a part of your society We’ll fight back, We’ll fight back !

Don’t support the war on crime
Innocent people are doing time
More and more cops and more jails
This solution to crime is gonna fail
Don’t you see what they’re trying to do
They’re not concerned with your safety
They want to control you congress passes
More oppressive laws then they lock us away
Wall street perpetuates poverty then they lock us away
The media creates hysteria then they lock us away
Soon the whole country will be under martial law
Then they’ll lock us all away
People have always been the same
There’s always been asshole who should be locked away
such as murderers, rapists and all politicians
But now there’s people getting locked away for no reason
Incarceration the death penalty
Do nothing to reduce crime it distracts us
From fighting the social conditions
which create this insane violence
such as poverty and racism and sexism and homelessness
The only way to fight against crime
is to put human need before profit
Don’t support the war on crime
Innocent people are doing time
We’re denied health care, education and housing
Domestic violence and child abuse is never ending
But none of these atrocities are seen as crime
Neither is sending someone off to war to die

NAKED AGGRESSION : « Us Against Them »
Ahhhhhh ! Fuck Off. Every single day I get more pissed off. I protest in the streets and tell the government to fuck off. They can call the troops out they can try to lock me up That’ll not stop me, I’ll fight until I die I will fight them Don’t give leaders control- take back your life Don’t give leaders control- take back your life I hate this fucking system, want to smash it to the ground People following orders doing what they’re told to do Not thinking for themselves, fitting into society’s mold The leaders want us all this way, little clones that control The government is fighting a war against us They are the true enemy, it’s US AGAINST THEM, US AGAINST THEM, US AGAINST THEM, US AGAINST THEM AHHHHHH Fuck off The entire world is a bloody mess People getting killed by the the governments that oppress I am sick of their shit, I refuse to take it We out number them, so lets take back our lives I will fight them We can stop them Don’t give leaders control- take back your life Don’t give leaders control- take back your life I hate this fucking system, want to smash it to the ground Don’t listen to authority, they put lies in our head Since they can’t control us, they want to see us dead The government is fighting a war against us They are the true enemy, it’s US AGAINST THEM, US AGAINST THEM, US AGAINST THEM, US AGAINST THEM !

NAKED AGGRESSION : « Religious Lies »
Religious fools want to control our lives -Fuck Them ! Religious fools want to control our lives -Fuck them ! America is filled with God fearing Christians that follow along Being brainwashed by leaders Since the day they were born Don’t listen to a God Don’t listen to your rulers We don’t need them All they do is take our freedom away Religious fools want to control our lives -Fuck them ! Religious fools want to control our lives -Fuck them ! The leaders know how to control Justifying their wars, killing others in the name of god Every child that gets baptized Their heads get filled with lies Manipulated by religion Manipulated by politicians Conditioned since they were young to conform They don’t question anything Religious fools blindly follow Religious fools fuck with our live Religious fools bash our heads in With their Christian morals -I don’t need Religious fools Religious fools want to control our lives -Fuck them ! Religious fools want to control our lives -Fuck them America is filled with God fearing Christians that follow along Being brainwashed by leaders Since the day they were born Don’t listen to a god Don’t listen to your rulers We don’t need them All they do is take our freedom away


Amenza ketane taj na korkouri
ke feri ketane same surale
kopatschi karing o tacheri
paji pi stanka marel pe,
aj tu, tu gelantar a lumasa.

hoj mo, tu golantar aadej luma bari
e luma te dikhes e luma te sumaves,
de ande dikhlan hot kote vi tu korkouri san,
kaj feri ketane sam surale

Explication : Chanson en Rom
Split up in two distincts parts, the song starts with a traditional roma verse and tune « amenza ketane » by Ceija Stojka, and goes over into our own version sung in romanian. It describes in a sweet poetic way the dramatic fate of being a « gypsy » (being persecuted throughout the centuries, being hated and despised by society, being expelled, deported and murdered in the nazi-german concentration camps). This song tells about the search for freedom, the gleam of hope considering the bleak situation nowadays for the roma all over all the injustice which happen to them. It’s a quite complex subject, surely we don’t want to romanticize the way of life of the « gypsies » like so many ignorant people use to do so in their films, books and general western habits of culture, being far from reality imparting an overridden distorted view of the life and fate of the « gypsies ». Be it sitni or roma, they all fight for their own dignity and self-determination, for their basic right to move and travel, for their own identity and culture -surely they don’t need some false compassion by those who never understand and in their ignorance « identify » with the « victim », creating a myth just to overplay their own inadequacies.
This song is our own little dedication to the culture of the sitnis and romas, it’s time to understand and make an effort and show some concern !

14« GENERAL : »Uns Geht’s Gut"
Consume or be consumed -work, buy, die - we are all products of this society, we are all prostitutes in a system of legal pimps. This one is about our dependance on systematic function, it’s about all the yuppies who think they are better than the rest, always upward being an upstart, being total bereft of any sense and logic, escapism and hedonism is the law, you know, all the youths who imitate their masters, idols and lifestyles, indulging in absolute decadence, questioning absolutely nothing. A plastic reality for plastic people -zeitgeist forms the mind of so many young folks, spoils your youth - your so-called rebellion is constructed and guided by the enemy - always keep in line don’t you ever dare to break out ! This is about people who have become victims of the mainstream without even realizing it ! The agents of control are everywhere.
Once alternative subculture is now being spit out as a deactivated harmless pile of clichees, reduced to fancy styles and music - no threat no more. About so-called alternative people who dance to the sound of capitalism and oppression without spendind one single critical thought on it. There you have it !

Proposé par silvain
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